Instructors, Training Requirements, and Continuing Education

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Real Estate Commission: Instructors, Training Requirements, and Continuing Education

  • All Brokers are subject to continuing education*. Continuing education rules can be found at
  • Continuing education is reported with your renewal and the certificates are uploaded
  • Each licensee is required to complete three consecutive years of core classes
  • Classes required for discipline are not to be used to meet renewal requirements
  • Classes cannot be duplicated and must be earned during the current license cycle

Associate Broker


Qualifying Broker


Required Hours
36 total hours
42 total hours
4-Hour Core Class – Year #1
4-Hour Core Class – Year #2
4-Hour Core Class – Year #3
4-Hour Ethics Class
Core Electives
4 Hours
8 Hours
Commission Meeting, Rule Hearing, or Disciplinary Hearing
6-Hour QB Refresher
Elective Courses
Additional to meet 36 hours
Additional to meet 42 hours


Brokers offering property management services are required to submit the following in addition to the requirements above:

Property Management Requirements
Associate Broker
Qualifying Broker

Residential Property Management**

Uniform Owner-Resident Relations Act

6 hours
6 hours

Commercial Property Management**-CCMM101


Zen & the Art of Property MGMT


10 hours


6 Hours


10 hours


6 Hours

Commission Meeting, Rule Hearing, or Disciplinary Hearing
Up to 4 hours per renewal
Up to 4 hours per renewal
Addition Property Management Courses
6 hours
12 hours

* Brokers are exempt from CE if they were 65 years of age and had 20 continuous years of licensure prior to July 1, 2011 (NMAC

**Brokers offering property management services are required to complete either the residential or commercial required course based upon the type of property management offered, the other class may be completed as part of the 6- or 12-hour requirement.

  1. Annual Core Course Requirement. The rules require that each licensee have 12 cumulative hours comprised of the annual 4-hour NMREC Core Course series, the 4-hour NMREC Core is to be an annual requirement within the context of the licensees’ 3-year cycle.
    • Penalties for Failing to Take an Annual Iteration of the Core Course

      Penalty: Beginning January 1, 2020, there will be a renewal penalty for missing any year’s core course within the licensee’s 3-year cycle. The penalty will be to take the 30-classroom-hour Broker Basics course for 0 CEUs.

      The two most common causes of licensees missing a core course: 1. Waiting until the last minute to find
      an available course; 2. Simply not knowing the Rules of the Real Estate Commission. Inactive licensees
      have the same requirements and are expected to fulfill the annual core course requirement.

      The penalty applies only when the student cannot find a makeup offering for the particular calendar year iteration of the core course that they missed.

  2. Ethics Requirement: 4-hour ethics. This requirement is not the same as requirements from various realtor associations or National Assocation of Realtors groups for membership compliance, although it is possible that a course taken to meet those requirements may be considered for CEU credits for licensure renewal.
  3. Core Elective Requirement: These are commission-approved courses which have received a “core elective” designation (marked with a “C” on certificates and on the official list of approved courses). Associate brokers are required to take 4 core elective hours per cycle; qualifying brokers are required to take 8 hours of core electives per cycle.
  4. Qualifying Broker Refresher Course: Qualifying brokers are required to take the 6-hour QB refresher. The commission is awarding 6 CEUs for this course. ABs may take the QB refresher for 6 hours of elective credit, but they are not required to take the course.
  5. Property Management CE Requirements:
    • Qualifying Brokers: 42 total hours including the 6-hour QB refresher; 6-hour NM Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act course or commission-approved 6-hour Commercial Property Management course. Additionally, QBs must take an additional 12 hours of property management courses within their 3-year, 36-hour cumulative minimum requirement.
    • Associate Brokers: 6 hour NM Uniform Owner Resident Reations Act course or commission-approved 6-hour Commercial Property Management course. Additionally, ABs must take an additional 6 hours of property management courses within their 3-year, 36-hour cumulative minimum requirement.
    • Commission Meeting Attendance Requirement for all property managers including associate brokers. The following property manager CE tracking sheets will be helpful. These are available on the Forms and Applications tab of the commission webpage. They are also available above/on this page.

Exemption from Continuing Education: The only exemption to the continuing education requirement applies ONLY to brokers who have attained 65 years of age AND have attained 20 continuous years of licensure in New Mexico prior to July 1, 2011. 

Prelicensing Courses as Continuing Education: Commission approved pre-licensing courses may count for up to 10 credit hours toward continuing education if the course is being used to upgrade from associate broker to qualifying broker.

New Broker Business Practices or CCIM 101 Post Licensing Requirement: By NMREC Rule, either the New Broker Business Practices or the CCIM 101 course is to be taken by all new associate broker licensees within the first year of licensure. The commission-approved 30-classroom-hour New Broker Business Practices course may count for up to 10 credit hours toward continuing education.